When I want to, I can’t.

So today, I totally wanted to go out and take some photos. Guess what! Its cold and raining. No photography for me today. Boooo!   Wait, what about that one? Nah… that was from last year. It just applies to today regarding how wet everything is. So since I won’t be taking any photos today,…

I miss you buddy.

This wonderful man allowed the world to love and appreciate the simple things. I have looked up to and learned from him in many ways, as he has been a silent inspiration in my personal life. This simple poem was written by Jimmy Stewart in loving memory of a long time companion. This is something…

The Mocking Ore

Streaking stripes arrest my gaze. They lie stagnant; motionless; silent. Bleached blocks fill their chasms with void space. Tall walls of brick build boundaries to contain the great nothing. Triplet tunnels table-torn mine relief from The Mocking Ore. “Fill me. Fight me! Leave me or line me. Stain me. Sign me. Flee me or find thee!” -this is the tone that…

On Being Used

At what point do I draw the line? When can I say “enough is enough?” I am too unselfish. I am used I am too forgiving. I am taken advantage of. I am my father’s child. What would he do? When would he call it quits, pull up anchor and leave? I am my Father’s…

No Harbor in the Sky

Whisked up in the winds of Spring, I am lifted. Carried along by the leaves strung across the sky, The breeze chills my naked cheeks. Flying away, it reveals the warmth freely gifted by rays of sunlight. The trees are far below me now. Scattered bushes identify as freckles on the surface of the earth.…